Sunday, October 30, 2011

Stupid diving board!

I was afraid of a 2 foot tall inanimate object the past few months. It was a diving block, 2 feet tall.   It's like the planetarium post I wrote so long ago, see it Here.

But anyway, at my first swimming lesson, I went off that diving board as fast as the next guy. I belly flopped. It hurt. So after that pain, I discovered a fear for that thing. Seriously, I turned this:

into this:

So I went off the side until very recently. 
I was really scared at first. But then I started doing feet jumps, then a couple of dives:  

So that is how I conquered my fears again!
Your fearful friend,

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. You are so honest with yourself, and you certainly did face a big fear. I also love you.


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