Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Last Post

Hello people. It has been a year since I last wrote you. I'm 11 now, I am leaving the 6th grade in less than 2 months. This is my last blog post. This blog has been a definitive archive of my homeschooling life, and the times that we had in New York. But times have changed. I am starting the 7th grade. The last 2 blog posts were months apart as well, and it's time to move on as my life now is so different from the life I have now. Not better, just very, very different. I will keep this blog up to remember the life and times I had homeschooling as a younger kid. I actually wrote my first post at 6 years old, almost half my life ago. This blog has been a part of my homeschooling life for ages, but just like homeschooling, it's time to let it go. So goodbye people, I'll be in touch.

- Jackson