Sunday, October 30, 2011

Stupid diving board!

I was afraid of a 2 foot tall inanimate object the past few months. It was a diving block, 2 feet tall.   It's like the planetarium post I wrote so long ago, see it Here.

But anyway, at my first swimming lesson, I went off that diving board as fast as the next guy. I belly flopped. It hurt. So after that pain, I discovered a fear for that thing. Seriously, I turned this:

into this:

So I went off the side until very recently. 
I was really scared at first. But then I started doing feet jumps, then a couple of dives:  

So that is how I conquered my fears again!
Your fearful friend,

Thursday, October 27, 2011

What dreams may come. A movie review.

Today I watched a movie called "What dreams may come". It was about a family, A mom, a dad, and two children. A boy and a girl.  The movie is pretty much about death. But the whole movie takes place in heaven. The children die first in a car crash on their way to school, the dad dies 4 years later in pretty much the same way. (Except he wasn't on his way to school) Wich leaves the mother alone. Kinda sad no? Now you could imagine losing your husband and kids in a 4 year time span. You'd kill yourself too, probably. So, the movie is about death, but in a good way, because like I said before, the movie takes place in heaven.
This movie gets an 85
Since his wife killed herself, she is in a hell that she created herself
She is in a constant state of sorrow. Now, the hell that you create for yourself is not fire and brimstone. The true hell is living your life in sorrow and pain.
So the husband goes on a quest to save his wife from her own hell, when she doesn't even recognize him!  
All in all, a wonderful heartfelt movie! I would recommend it to anyone! 

To find out more about this movie, go to IMDB

Thank you all for reading my blog, I am nearing my 70th post, so that will be a party!

Thank you,

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Masked Messenger: Halloween special!

Hello all lover's of cheese!
Yesterday night we went to a youth show at the ACA called "The masked messenger."  Native New orleaneian Robert Faust, knows how masks work. He is a professional mask maker and acting with the mask.  The show was so amazing and funny at the same time. It was like when he put on each mask, it took him over and he assumed the character perfectly with the right body language.

And he explains that a mask doesn't need to cover your face. 
It could be makeup, or a blank face.
You wouldn't think that it was him behind the mask.

He explained how he traveled all around the world to experience first hand how masks are used in different cultures.
And, he looked like he was having fun playing the characters onstage! 
(That guy above was kinda creepy ...)

It was so amazing!


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The house fell through. :(

That's right, you heard the title. We are not getting the event home.
God, Iv'e been writing sad stuff on here lately! Next post will be a little peppier! :D    That's all I really have to say.


Hello, My name is Jackson, I'm a 200 foot tall purple platypus bear.
But that doesn't matter right now. I am also half jewish.  On my dad's side, only 4 of my original family survived. Even their town, Seltz, Poland.  It got wiped off the face of the earth. Boom. That's why we can't do much family tracing. The records burned a long, long time ago.  Only 4 of the original Schneider family survived.  If my Great Great grandma decided to stay in Poland. I would not exist.

Aldof Hitler founded the nazi party, they considered jews a "Racial Inferior" and their racial enemy.  Now, picture this, you are living a nice quiet life, when somebody knocks on your door, drags you away, and puts a gold star on your chest. Then, they send the weak and young, and the elderly to be killed on the spot, imagine you had a kid, or a sick old mother.  Then, they work the stronger till they take their last breath. And they make the rest live in concentration camps (Below)

Kind of alarming no?  After THAT, they take all of you, tell you to get clean in showers, that actually spits out poison gas, and the grand total of jews killed in the holocaust was 6 million.
It was complete genocide.

It's reallly sad how human beings can treat each other this way,

Thursday, October 20, 2011

It's Cold!

Hello everybody who loves ham.  I'm mostly writing to all you folks up north, so I,ll say it. The unthinkable has happened, it is 40 degrees in Louisiana.
We are wearing hoodies and slippers inside the house! Hopefully we will be in our new house by the time it gets to be really wintertime. Then, the pipes will freeze.
It's Cold!