Thursday, October 27, 2011

What dreams may come. A movie review.

Today I watched a movie called "What dreams may come". It was about a family, A mom, a dad, and two children. A boy and a girl.  The movie is pretty much about death. But the whole movie takes place in heaven. The children die first in a car crash on their way to school, the dad dies 4 years later in pretty much the same way. (Except he wasn't on his way to school) Wich leaves the mother alone. Kinda sad no? Now you could imagine losing your husband and kids in a 4 year time span. You'd kill yourself too, probably. So, the movie is about death, but in a good way, because like I said before, the movie takes place in heaven.
This movie gets an 85
Since his wife killed herself, she is in a hell that she created herself
She is in a constant state of sorrow. Now, the hell that you create for yourself is not fire and brimstone. The true hell is living your life in sorrow and pain.
So the husband goes on a quest to save his wife from her own hell, when she doesn't even recognize him!  
All in all, a wonderful heartfelt movie! I would recommend it to anyone! 

To find out more about this movie, go to IMDB

Thank you all for reading my blog, I am nearing my 70th post, so that will be a party!

Thank you,

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