Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Summer is falling into place.

I know what you're thinking.
"Jackson, why are you posting about summer? It's March! Some of us are still in winter coats!" And the answer to that question is I'm not posting about summer being here, only the idea of what summer is going to be.

Remember the play I did last month and have been talking about for the past 2 posts? Well I'm doing it again this summer. I'm gonna be in the same company I was in last time. But this one is the waaay bigger performance. It's a Shakespeare play, "Love's Labor's Lost" to be exact.  At the ACA in July 2012. 

So other than that, were gonna be at Red la Reels a lot. Reds is the health club that we go to. Like the YMCA. 

What are you guys gonna do this summer?  Post in the comment area below.

See you next time,

Friday, March 2, 2012

Hamlet: Prince of puddles.

Hamlet and Ophelia.

Hello everybody! I'm here with another Youth series performance! It is an adaptation of William Shakespeare's Hamlet like you've never seen it before! Written for a much younger crowd than the original. Hamlet: prince of puddles turns a terrible tragedy into a hilarious comedy.

You see, Hamlet is in a bit of a predicament.
His father, King Hamlet died unexpectedly. As everybody was mourning, the queen decided to marry the late king's brother. Who in Hamlet's opinion, is a large butthead. Not to mention that his long lushus hair he is so proud of is fake!

So with the help of his girlfriend Ophelia, he must avenge his father! But wait, there is one other complication! Ophelia's father banned her from speaking to Hamlet.
What will he do?!

So I give this play a definite 100%! If you live in the Lafayette area and would like to see it, we have 2 more shows open to the public. 

Goodbye all blog readers,