Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Transformation.

Everything is about to change.
Stir and sizzle is no more.
In it's place will be a new transformed blog,
with a new template,
and even a new name!

Live 3/1/11 *

* March 1 2011

Thursday, December 16, 2010



A couple of weeks ago I got a pair of new glasses that I need to wear for everyday life.
I'm really enjoying them!
They help me see better, the eye doctor said that I was a little bit near sighted.

Merry almost Christmas!


Friday, December 10, 2010

New Blog!

Iv'e decided that I shall make a secondary blog.
It will be about LEGOs
Making it after I write this update.

Death of the penny!

Death of the penny

The penny is dying!
The money making people are going to stop penny production after 2011.
So the joke of asking the cashier to give you your change all in pennies is over...
The penny will remain legal tender, but it will be next to impossible to find a store that accepts them.
The penny will be greatly missed.



Thank you,