Last weekend we went on a homeschool field trip to a historic site called Poverty Point.
Poverty Point dates back to about 2100 BC - 1100 BC, the equivalent of American Aztec but before the time of King Tut.
( We stayed from Friday night to Sunday morning.)
We stayed in a longhouse (As I called it, it was long.) there was a boys dorm and a girls dorm, and then some private rooms for adults.
First, at Friday night, we went on a astronomy hike.
I saw the Big Dipper and The Milky Way and Jupiter.
It was amazing!
Your'e ecstatic to see ONE star in New York City!
(end of Friday)
Saturday morning we had pancakes for breakfast, Then we went to see a video at the P.P. Museum.
After that we went on a archeological dig, in a deep sandbox.

I'm not saying it wasn't hard, it was. Our tribe ( The blue panthers)
2 arrowheads,
2 atlatl (Spear) weights
1 axehead
2 Fishing net weights
1 cleaning tool
1 deer skull.
Then we went on a edible plants hike.
La crosse was used to settle arguments among tribes instead of war.
We went on a night prowl to go Spider sniffing ( Yes, I said spider sniffing.)
It's when you go into deep woods, put the flashlight on your forehead and the spiders eyes reflect back like moving glitter on the ground.
( End of saturday)
In the morning we cleaned up the dorms and packed the car up.
Happy Spider sniffing!,